Jun 19, 2009

I wonder if it'll rain in Fort Bridger..............

Woke up to - yup, you guessed it - RAIN. This is Wyoming. It only gets about 10-12" of rain a year and already much of it has had that amount and then some. OK - so it rained most of the night and getting out of the park might be a little dicey. Go very, very slow backward praying the front wheels (in just a little mud) would move and not sink. It's not like we're THAT light. Slow.................slow.................slow...........ahhhh out in the rock. Man, don't we love those rocks. :) Love that straight road on the plains of Wyoming. Made it to Fort Bridger - it stopped raining long enough to get set up. Poor cell service (this is the home of Union Wireless what do I expect since we use Verizon) thus poor internet. They have wireless but my router is getting ill so it is bad. I think I feel a trip to Evanston coming on. Yup - heading there to update router and get a WW fix. Haven't seen one since Cody. I can't believe Jackson doesn't have one - but they have a nice big KameapART.

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